The weird thing about working in publishing is how seasons start to mean different things. I’ve been enjoying cherry and magnolia blossoms for weeks now (I am a smug Vancouverite, after all!), but we’re now in conference to learn about new books for fall of 2014! Dot showed you the impressive stack of ARCs she has, and it just keeps growing!
So far I’ve conquered the picture books, and read two novels. Early highlights are:
Trial by Fire
Worldwalker Trilogy #1
by Josephine Angelini
Feiwel & Friends (02/09/14)
An excellent YA fantasy. Salem witches and alternate universes? YES PLEASE!
The Iridescence of Birds
A Book About Henri Matisse
by Patricia MacLachlan, illustrated by Hadley Hooper
Roaring Brook Press (14/10/14)
Here is a tidbit about me: I am a huge sucker for Matisse’s works, so this picture book about his childhood was just wonderful. Hadley Hooper’s illustrations feel Matisse-esque, without seeming to be derivative.
Mr. Frank
by Irene Luxbacher
Groundwood Books (01/09/14)
Finally, I’ve been a big fan of Irene Luxbacher for quite a few years, so I was pleased as punch to see a new title from her on the fall list. Mr Frank is a tailor, and he has made some pretty wild and crazy clothes in his days, but nothing as special as his final project. Collage style illustrations make this story totally tactile and charming.
Those are a few of my early favourites, but there are sure to be more by the end of our two week conference; I’ll be sure to keep you posted!