It feels like I got back from my roadtrip ages ago but,
really, Ive only been back a week. I finally have the time
to share some of the things I saw in the Okanagan.

I got to meet Caroline Woodward as she promoted her memoir Light Years (Harbour) at Mosaic in Kelowna.

The shelves at Hooked on Books were stuffed with great titles. Check out all that Lonely Planet in their travel section!

Being in Teeter Totter Toys turned me into a five year old again. Not pictured: me playing with the giant bubble stick outside the front door.

The ladies at Dragon’s Den had just adopted a yellow lab in need of a home. Apparently she still needs to work on her “shop manners.” I didn’t mind the begging because look at that face!
That has been your pictorial update on the ramblin’
life of the book rep on the road. Til next time!