As soon as I read the excerpt of Lori Shenher’s book in the Globe & Mail I called up
Book Warehouse and had them set aside a copy for me. It’s a book that’s hard to
put down, at the same time that it’s hard to read. Shenher was one of the investigators
charged with finding out why so many women were going missing from Vancouver’s
Downtown Eastside in the late nineties and early 2000s. Her story outlines the many
places the VPD and RCMP let these women down. Although many of the facts she
discusses about are public record, it’s still so upsetting to see everything laid out; to
see how callously we treat people who “don’t matter.” A chilling read, but a worthwhile one.
That Lonely Section of Hell
The Botched Investigation of a Serial Killer Who Almost Got Away
by Shenher, Lori (08/26/15 )
9781771640930 | Greystone | UTD
Cloth | Price: $32.95