Hi there!
If you’re anything like me then you are re-watching The X-Files in anticipation for this:
No wait, let me reword that: If you’re anything like me then you are re-watching The X-Files AND
have also read David Duchovny’s Holy Cow.
Holy Cow: A Modern Day Dairy Tale
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Elsie the cow is a happy cow. She’s content living on her farm with her friends, she has endless
food and a daily milking from the farm boys, most of whom she doesn’t mind. But one day Elsie
stumbles upon the truth about her destiny and makes the decision to get the heck out of dodge.
With two hilarious side-kicks, Tom, a suave turkey who’s starving himself before Thanksgiving and
Jerry aka Shalom, a pig who’s converted to Judaism, the crew head out into the world of the unknown
to escape the world of the known.
I enjoyed reading this book and laughed out loud quite a few times, particularly when cows start
using slang like “cray cray.” This is a fun book with a serious message about humanity’s wasteful
consumption of well, everything. I recommend it.
And I also recommend re-watching The X-Files because it’s just as creepy as it was when I was 12.
The truth is out there.
– Tamara