WARNING: This post may contain germs.
Isn’t it wonderful when after a long, harsh winter you open your door to a suddenly beautiful, sunny day?
The air is crisp and the sensation of smell returns, bringing with it rich soil and flowering buds as the
skin on your body relaxes and thirstily drinks up the warmth. Then suddenly you realize it’s sales
conference time. You have to make sure people have places to sit, food to eat, sales materials, onix feeds,
snacks and juice…WHERE ARE THE STINKING PISTACHIOS?! Ultimately this ends up with spring going out
the window and everyone getting sick. I’ve been sitting in my office watching stomach bugs, sniffles, coughs,
sneezes, headaches and eye twitches swirl around me. I’m starting to feel like a certain OCD squirrel that
we know so well.
What’s the solution? I don’t know. But I do know that this is probably the time we all take a deep breath,
(within a good distance of the sickies) and start taking care of ourselves. Here are a few good books to
help us keep our immune systems nice and strong:
Deep Healing by Caroline Marie Dupont. Published by Book Publishing Co.
The Deliciously Conscious Cookbook by Belinda Connolly. Published by Hay House.
Yoga: Your Home Practice Companion by DK Publishing.
Stay healthy, everyone!
– Tamara