Part of the perks of being a sales rep (or working in publishing, in general) is getting to read books that are brand spankin’ new — so new that it will be months before they are available in bookstores. But, sometimes, I get so caught up reading new books that I forget about all of the awesome backlist titles available for my reading pleasure.
I wanted to start my 2016 reading year off with a bit of magic, so I’ve picked up Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. Admittedly, I have tried reading this giant tome on more than one occasion, only to get distracted by books that were much shorter and easier to digest. However, I’m really happy to have given this book another go! Now I find myself daydreaming about when I’ll get to go home, make a cup of hot cocoa, and get lost in Susanna Clarke’s version of 19th century England, where magic has come back.
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
By Susanna Clarke
TOR (Raincoast)
– Jenny