Ok, I know. We all have to make a living. Most of
the time that is a great thing as I love my job. The
only time that gets in the way is when I am part way
through a book I really, really like. I started my ARC of
The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler
(978-1-250-05480-7, $31.50, Macmillan)
and it is so captivating I can’t wait to go home and read. I don’t want
to do chores, cook, return calls, talk to anyone; I just want to read my
You know how it is when you are grabbed by a book and are totally swept
up into that world? That’s me at the moment. Plus, not only is it a good
read but it is a great book story as well. The author made multiple handmade,
hand-aged, hand-bound copies of her manuscript to send out to publishers.
I will quote her here:
“When submitting The Book of Speculation for publication, I faced a problem. I
needed to convey the magic of a very old book, a seductive power that leads my
librarian protagonist, Simon, down the rabbit hole of a family curse. The solution was
both obvious and ridiculous: I’d replicate Simon’s experience and create a book as
alluring as the one he receives, something with pictures, letters, and tarot cards. I had to
make books. In teaching myself bookbinding, I fell down my own rabbit hole of needles,
drills, tea staining, illustration, gilding, and more paper dust than one person should
ever inhale.”
I am positive the finished book is going to be a thing of beauty. The tale in The
Book of Speculation reminds me in a way of The Night Circus; and not just the story but
the way it makes me feel. When I finished The Night Circus I wanted to read it again immediately.
I have an odd feeling that I will want to do the same with this book.
Check out Erika’s blog erikaswyler.tumblr.com and her
baking Tumblr ieatbutter.tumblr.com (too yummy for words!)
Have a great weekend!