Happy Friday!
Week one of Sales Conference is now history and already I can tell that my to-be-read pile is going to be a tall tower of books. Here are just a couple of the highlights:
Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford is about class distinctions and social climbing; the publisher calls it Edith Wharton for the twenty-first century. The story is set in New York City in 2006 and a young woman with a socially ambitious mother bets a job at a social network aimed at the elite (think Facebook for really rich people). Her job is to recruit them to the site so she learns to ingratiate herself into the lives of those with old money. All goes well for a while and she begins to even believe that she’s old money herself; alas things start to go awry, badly. Look away, look away!
The Perfect Comeback of Caroline Jacobs by Matthew Dicks Matthew Dicks wrote a wonderful book called Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend a few years ago and it so moved me I made almost everyone I know read it. Because of that, his new book will be going to the top of the pile. It is about a wimpy woman who has finally had enough; she has an uncharacteristic dramatic outburst that kick-starts a lot of changes in her life. She realizes that her life has been scarred by a betrayal by her former best friend so she sets out on a quest to right that wrong, or at least get it dealt with. This author always gives the reader fully-rounded characters; they feel real and you find yourself rooting for them and wanting them to succeed and get everything they want. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book.
Have a great weekend. I am off to Toronto for part two of Sales Conference.
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