Ampersand News > ‘Tis the Season…for tears and vodka

‘Tis the Season…for tears and vodka

December 04, 2014 | by

Hello friends!

It dawned on me last night that I still think of December as a magical time filled with carols,

family, and beautiful fairy lights. This is good news considering my head was filled with such

a blur of data, catalogues, and pdf’s that it led me straight home and to that bottle of vodka that

had been calling my name since lunch. No, I don’t have a drinking problem, (I say to myself

at this time every season) but I will say that a cup of hot water just doesn’t do the trick, (thanks

for the suggestion below, Mark).

Everything feels slightly chaotic and everyone is in a state of exhaustion from conference and preparation

for appointments. Here are a few live quotes from the staff that I’m hearing from my office:

“This is how I feel every season: ‘What? I don’t remember you. What are these, books?'”

“Is anyone on-the-line?”

“She means online.”

“Is anyone mad that I’ve been playing 90’s music for the past 24 hours?”

“Should I be updating?”

We’ve all got to get through it together and at the end of the tunnel there will be spiked eggnog…I mean

books. There will be books.

– Tamara


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