Happy Friday. I was going to write about something
else this week but I read a great mystery last weekend
that I had to share. I know I am late to the table for this series
but it is so good I think others who may have missed these books
should know about them. The book is The Water Rat of Wanchai
by Ian Hamilton and the edition I read came with a prequel
called The Dragon Head of Hong Kong. Both were fantastic stories
with great settings, good characters and lots of Chinese food. (How could one
go wrong with that trio?) The main character Ava Lee is Chinese Canadian and is
a forensic accountant – a very good one as she is called upon to recover
peoples missing monies (large amounts!) She has to travel to all sorts of places
to track down the missing dough and is great at what she does. If you haven’t read
Ian Hamilton, you should give him a try!
Have a great weekend.