One of my many vices is that I am a voracious reader of advice columns. We could all use some help, right? (If I’m honest, I usually read these because I’m nosy, but still!)
Fortunately there are quite a few good books out there with thoughts on how to do life, here are a few of my favourites:

Gracious by Kelly Williams Brown | (04/04/17) 9781623367978 | Rodale Books | RAI | Cloth | Price: $26.99
The subtitle on this one is A Practical Primer on Charm, Tact, and Unsinkable Strength: Including instructions on being kind when you don’t feel like it, ignoring the Internet and/or disarming trolls, and generally staying serene and sensible in a world that is neither. Who doesn’t need this book??

Embers: Ojibway Meditations by Richard Wagamese | (10/19/16) 9781771621335 | Douglas & McIntyre | UTP | Paperback | Price: $18.95
This is not advice per se, but the late Richard Wagamese has penned these short, thoughtful pieces about topics ranging from reverence and harmony, to trust and joy. A thought-provoking delight!

Grow Create Inspire: Crafting a Joyful Life of Beauty and Abundance by Crystal Stevens | (09/19/16) 9780865718371| New Society Publishers | UTP | Hardcover| Price: $24.95
This is a book full of practical advice about growing, cooking, and preserving your own food, with a dash of inspiration to really get you going; right up my alley!
No matter what kind of advice you’re looking for, you can always find something useful in a book! Which books have given you the best advice?
- Ali