Done day 2 of our 11 day sales conference. One can only truly explain conference to the uninitiated as publishing’s equivalent of an extreme sport. We begin early each day – 7:30 or 8:00 – computers fired up – washed and nicely dressed with smiles on to greet the day. Our publishers present their lists with enthusiasm – lots of anecdotes, graphics and often chocolate; caramel and cheese popcorn (thank-you Heidi from Sourcebooks!) nuts, oranges and more substantial feedings every two hours – to help us keep up our strength. We study grids and google obscure references and generally stretch our brains while moulding our bodies into the shapes of chairs. Lots of laughing, bright repartee and the occasional head droop after an awfully good lunch. Extreme eating; extreme bonding; occasionally extreme tippling but most importantly extreme learning! And oh so many books to chat about in the upcoming season. Cheers!