I’m hitting the road next week to head up to the Okanagan
on my first road trip as a book rep. I’m visiting a bunch of my
favourite bookstores in the Interior of BC and it’s very exciting!
However, BC is BIG so I’ll be doing quite a lot of driving.

At 944,735 km2 only 30 countries are bigger than BC. Here it is, swallowing the UK. This has been your geography trivia for today!
With hundreds of kilometers of driving ahead of me, I’ve stocked
up on audiobooks to keep me busy. First up? Jenny Lawson’s
Furiously Happy (audio: 9781427264787 print: 9781250077004),
as read by the author.

And I am furiously excited to listen to it!
Today I’m packing up all my samples and catalogues so I’m ready
to hit the open road on Monday. See you soon, Okanagan!