I have a serious problem. I want to read TOO MANY BOOKS.
And then the choices are overwhelming and I spend most of my time trying to decide which book to read next.
And then I find I’m so tired that I end up
napping, and when I wake up and realize the desire to read is still itching at me, I repeat the horrid process
of staring at all the books on my shelves that demand to be picked up and read and I can’t decide!
Thankfully, I’ve come across this awesome book jar idea (thanks Pinterest!).
I’ve yet to try this system out, but I have to admit, I quite like the idea! So much so that I hope to do the same
and keep a jar full of folded pieces of paper with the title of a book in my to-read pile. Of course, I’m sure to cheat
sometimes and read new releases that I’m DYING to read – but for those days when I just can’t make up my mind,
this looks to be perfect!
– Vanessa