Happy Friday!
First, here’s something to make you smile:
Second, I just found out that an author liked my review of his book on Goodreads!
That’s a new experience for me and it was quite exciting. The book was The Baklava Club by Jason Goodwin
and it was the fifth of a series of books set in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire featuring Yashim, a
eunuch who happens to be a very good investigator. I think I may have posted about him before but he’s
well worth mentioning again and well worth reading about. The stories are good, you get a lot of historical
detail and Yashim likes to cook so you get some tasty looking ideas for what you might want to eat this
Check out the books:
1.The Janissary Tree 9780312426132
2.The Snake Stone 9780312428020
3.The Bellini Card 9780312429355
4.An Evil Eye 9781250002433
5.The Baklave Club 9780374294373 HC
(coming in paperback in June 2015)
Have a great weekend!