Did you like my clickbait headline? I thought it was very contemporary. Moving right along, here are six reasons mailing season is a hazard!
- Paper cuts – catalogues are often sharp
- Paper cuts under your nail – the skin under your nail is often soft 🙁
- Cracked nails – Last mailing, I split one of my nails almost RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not a farmer or something.
- Accidentally snapping yourself with a rubber band
- Accidentally snapping other people with a rubber band
- Being buried in an empty box avalanche – this is not actually dangerous, it’s mostly just funny for everyone else.
Remember, you’re only sorry because you got cau – wait, wrong phrase! “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” There we go!
Okay, just one more: Only YOU can prevent paper cuts.