Ampersand News > Fall is coming!

Fall is coming!

April 18, 2014 | by

I know spring has barely arrived here in Vancouver, let alone the rest of Canada, but my brain is speeding
towards fall.   The main reason for this is the stack of advance material that has landed on my desk.  It is
the beginning of the onslaught.  Overwhelming, definitely but also new books!  New stuff to read!!  That’s
like Christmas for me.   Please note the photo of the cute cat to the left of the stack.  That is Miki and I
thought it only fair to post cat pictures as we have posted dog photos previously.  Of course if I show one
cat, I have to show both so I am including a picture of Nigel from the last time I was heading to Toronto. 
Either he wants to come with me, or he doesn’t want me to go.  He hasn’t really said.    Until next time.       


The first of the onslaught.

The first of the onslaught.

Trying to pack for Toronto.

Trying to pack for Toronto.

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