Look at that cover and tell me that you don’t
immediately want to jump into its world!
I just finished reading A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab this
week and excuse me, why aren’t I living in Red London right now?!?
V.E. Schwab’s world building is so incredibly immersive that I found
myself looking up from my copy expecting to find myself sitting in a
totally different city, filled with dangerous magic and cunning,
black-eyed princes stepping between worlds.
Good news about A Darker Shade of Magic? The paperback edition
is coming out on January 19th. Even better? The sequel,
A Gathering of Shadows is being released on February 23rd!
So, Darker Shades fans, put on your chameleon coat, grab your
Other-London artifacts and let’s jump into a new world together.
A Darker Shade of Magic
V. E. Schwab
Tor Books (Raincoast)
HC 9780765376459 $29.99
PB 9780765376466 $18.50
A Gathering of Shadows
V. E. Schwab
Tor Books (Raincoast)
HC 9780765376473 $29.99

The sequel can’t come soon enough!