Ampersand News > What are you reading?

What are you reading?

March 20, 2017 | by

Hi guys!

What are you reading right now? Isn’t that everyone’s favourite question? I remember applying for a seasonal job at Chapters Indigo (the location has now sadly turned into a Michaels, stripped of the comforting smells of books and Starbucks) during Christmas and the hiring manager asked me this question. After awhile he laughed and said, “Okay, I get it. You read a LOT.”

So what am I reading now, you ask? I am about a third of the way through The Guineveres by Sarah Domet. I immediately fell into the writing, which plays out like an Oscar winning film. The main character, Vere (one of the four Guineveres) narrates the story in such a way that you are privy to her feelings as well as the other three Guinevere’s. They are four parts of a single consciousness that is swayed by age, religion, pain and each other.


The Guineveres


Flatiron Books

Even though I’m enjoying The Guineveres I am having a hard time focusing on it as I have A Conjuring of Light hanging over my head, tapping me on the shoulder saying things like, “Ahem, PICK ME UP AND READ ME!” Book 3 of the V.E. Swab trilogy arrived in my hands suddenly, last week and really put a kink in my focusing skills (focusing on life, that is). I cannot wait to read it and finally get off this cliff that I’ve been hanging off of ever since the end of book 2. And amazing news: The trilogy is being adapted into a TV series! It’s produced by Gerard Butler, who just got much sexier in my books. 😉

A Conjuring of Light



So I’ll keep my reading list to two books because I learned from the glazed look of that Chapters Indigo manager that people don’t want to listen to endless rambles of a person they don’t really know. But feel free to tweet at us anytime and let us know what you’re reading! We always love to hear from you 🙂

  • Tamara
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