You know when you work hard to make money and decide not to spend it on frivolous things,
like fancy shoes, and you’re so proud of yourself for being responsible for once in your life
that at the end of the month you look at your bank account to admire the stack of cash you’ve
saved and there’s $2.95 in it and you look around your house and see no evidence of excessive
spending, only your pants do feel a little tighter and you go to your fridge to ponder
the disappearance of your cash while you munch on the leftovers you have from that popular
little restaurant you went to last night and then it dawns on you…ah yes, you’ve eaten all
your money.
These are first-world problems, but mostly these are Toronto-world problems, and now there’s
a solution! Amy Rosen, award-winning journalist and cookbook author has compiled recipes
from Toronto’s best and most newsworthy restaurants so you can (attempt to) cook them
in your own kitchen. Same delicious taste, minus the tip. Check it out this September!
Toronto Cooks
100 Signature Recipes from the City’s Best Restaurants by Rosen, Amy (09/30/14)
9781927958162 | Figure 1 Publishing | RAI Cloth | Price: $37.95
– Tamara