Hello people of 2017!
Are you feeling fresh and rejuvenated for the New Year or are you feeling sluggish and starting to look like one of the many slices of pecan pie that you consumed over the holiday? A little of column A and a little more of column B? Yeah, me too. 🙁
Regardless, 2017 is here and it’s jam-packed with lots of great things to come. One of which is the Toronto Gift Fair, where we get to show off some of the products that are most fun for the season. Here’s a sneak peek of what is to come:
We are so much in love with one of our favourite kids books, Good Night, Good Night Construction Site and we can’t wait to share its predecessor, Mighty, Mighty Construction Site!
Chronicle Books
It’s all about Game Night these snowy days. Cat Bingo, Bug Bingo and Dog Bingo will keep you entertained as you round out your hibernation days until spring!
Laurence King
In celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary we have some Canadian classics that we’re featuring, such as Wendy Tancock’s LM Montgomery Card!
Card 252
Wendy Tancock Designs
And what is a gift show without some Star Wars? We’ve all been bitten by the Star Wars bug, so here is your fix for January!
Star Wars Rogue One: Ultimate Visual Guide
DK Canada
Make sure you visit our booth this year to see our smiling faces and check out all the other goodies we have in store for you (and for your store!).
Toronto Gift Fair, Booth 11461 Congress Centre North. The show runs from January 29th to February 2nd.
See you there!