Hi there,
Jenny and I realized that we were both going to blog about the incomparable Ampersand ping pong team, The Smash Williams at the Scotiabank Pongapalooza and decided on a compromise that I’d do a part 2 to her blog post. Since Jenny’s given you all the details I will not bore you by repeating them. I will instead show you what our team looked like before we left our office, (minus one amazing Christen Thomas from LPG Canada):
Please note that we all altered our shirts with fine print to ensure no one gave us free hugs.
After an incredible night of 2nd to come in last, (beating my personal record of 1st to come in last) we walked away with some pretty great books!
It’s been three years running and I’ve seen my share of ping pong and enthusiastic team captains. Here’s a little throwback to previous years with DK Canada’s team The Non-Returnables as well as this year’s team pictures, (we realized after the tournament that we actually had two author coaches and had to re-take our pictures).
I’m looking forward to next year’s tournament. Seeing how we improved this year, I am going to continue doing what I’ve been doing to prepare for this event, which is nothing at all. Next year I’m hoping to make it to the third round!
- Tamara