Hi all!
I wanted to respond to Lorna’s post about the peacock she saw on the roof of her
neighbour’s house. Like a fool I thought to myself, “That can’t be right, there are no peacocks
in Canada.” THEN in a dramatic turn of events a peacock escaped from the High Park Zoo in Toronto
and it became peacock mania! Twitter exploded, it was front page news, and radio announcers were
keeping people up to date. This is partly why I love Canada. We aren’t ashamed to get excited about
the little things.
Today, the news is that we have yet to capture our fan-tastic (pun intended) friend and he’s still
hopping from house to house enjoying the city life, though there have been no sightings so he’s
stealthily sightseeing. I don’t blame him, who would want so much paparazzi on your vacation?
– Tamara