Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s incredible life and legacy. If you are looking for the perfect read today may I suggest Michael Eric Dyson’s Tears We Cannot Stop, an incredibly powerful and moving book about race relations and being black in America.
“Elegantly written,Tears We Cannot Stop is powerful in several areas: moving personal recollections; profound cultural analysis; and guidance for moral redemption. A work to relish.” —Toni Morrison
“Here’s a sermon that’s as fierce as it is lucid. It shook me up, but in a good way. This is how it works if you’re black in America, this is what happens, and this is how it feels. If you’re black, you’ll feel a spark of recognition in every paragraph. If you’re white, Dyson tells you what you need to know—what this white man needed to know, at least. This is a major achievement. I read it and said amen.” —Stephen King

Tears We Cannot Stop | Michael Eric Dyson | 9781250135995 | St. Martin’s Press | Hardcover | Published January 17, 2017 | $34.99 list price
– Jenny