Hi there!
Everyone’s favourite/most despised day is quickly approaching this Saturday, Valentines Day!
Whether you care or don’t care, have a date with a special someone or have a date with a special
tub of ice cream, (or both) you should probably take these quizzes that I found online. If you’ve
always wanted to know who your literary boyfriend/girlfriend would be then your questions will
finally be answered! I took the liberty of taking both quizzes. My literary boyfriend is brave, likes
Etta James, and picnics. My literary girlfriend is intelligent and also likes Etta James and picnics.
Girlfriend = Alaska Young from Looking for Alaska, Â Boyfriend = Edward Cullen from Twilight.
One is wild, moody, and beautiful. The other is, um, well I don’t want to say a “cannibal” but…you know.
So it’s given me a lot to think about.
It’s your turn!
– Tamara