I’m back from sales conference! My head is full of new books
and my TBR (to be read) pile has grown by about a million ARCs.
However, I have returned to a Vancouver that is not the one I left. Yes, it’s
still grey and rainy. No, my rent didn’t get any cheaper. The big change?

Although, being Vancouver, there’s definitely no snow.
Apparently I came back to a magical world of Holiday Spirit! There are
Christmas songs on the radio, many houses in my ‘hood have their
lights up, and several of my friends are bragging about finishing their
shopping already. You won’t find any Grinching from me about this.
I’m just about the most Christmas-y person around (I can decorate
a gingerbread house like nobody’s business!)
So basically, this is a warning, both for my coworkers and anyone in
my general vicinity. Prepare for an eggnog swilling, carol singing,
obnoxiously festive Dani.
-Dani “Jingle Bells” Farmer