Author Archives for Ali

Libris Day!

June 2, 2014 | BY

Greetings from Toronto (again)! I’m here in town because tonight is the fancy dinner for the 2014 Libris Awards. I’m nominated for Rep of the Year- Atlantic...

Let’s Celebrate

May 26, 2014 | BY

Hey all, guess what this week is! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! My actual birthday is tomorrow, and I’m going get to see the latest Cirque du Soleil...

DIY Projects

May 12, 2014 | BY

So all of a sudden it’s mid-May! I always like to take some time off around my birthday at the end of theĀ  month, and work on...

Eating in Toronto

May 5, 2014 | BY

Hello hello, and happy Monday! As we speak I’ve left gorgeous Vancouver for… Toronto. I’m here for a week, and I have big plans to eat my...

Seasonal Confusion

April 28, 2014 | BY

The weird thing about working in publishing is how seasons start to mean different things. I’ve been enjoying cherry and magnolia blossoms for weeks now (I am...